
Screen printing table, photo: Jonas Gerhard
Print and Graphic Design
The print workshop allows students to deepen and experiment in the field of traditional printmaking techniques - high-pressure, lithography, intaglio, and screen printing. There are also three computer workstations for digital printing. The teaching of technical and craft skills and the artistic-theoretical knowledge takes place through individual supervision of student projects. In addition, there are introductory seminars in which the fundamental principles of the various printmaking techniques are taught. The range of courses is complemented by workshops on bookbinding, InDesign, Photoshop, and repro photography in collaboration with the Photography department.
The focus is not on the traditional understanding of graphic art as mere reproduction and duplication of an already existing motif, but graphic art as an inspiring process for formulating and questioning one's own artistic stance. Through deepened and experimental work, students should gain the ability to work independently and professionally.
Zur Zeit stehen für die Druckwerkstatt keine besonderen Termine oder Veranstaltungen an.
Markus Lörwald
Dozent an einer Kunsthochschule
Raum 017
Tel.: 0211/1396-277
markus.loerwald [at]
Sprechstunde (während der Vorlesungszeit): Montag bis Donnerstag 9-10 Uhr
Richard Helbin
Dozent an einer Kunsthochschule
Raum 017
Tel.: 0211/1396-285
helbin [at]
Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung
Sarah Wiesmann
Dozentin an einer Kunsthochschule
Raum 017
Tel.: 0211/1396-271
wiesmann [at]
Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung
Sophie Urban
Raum K016
Tel.: 0211/1396-228
sophie.urban [at]
Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung
Montags und dienstags: 9-17:30 Uhr
Mittwochs bis freitags: 9-16 Uhr